Acti-Kare's Acti-Vate Program for Memory and Dementia Care

Dementia is a disease that affects the brain and can cause a person to have difficulty thinking, remembering, and communicating. Dementia is a general term for many types of diseases that cause a decline in mental abilities. Although this devastating illness usually occurs in older adults, it can also occur in younger people with risk factors, such as family history or previous concussions. Given the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia among older adults, raising awareness about the risks of dementia is important. Here are three reasons why you should be tested for dementia.

Dementia is a disease that affects cognition.

Dementia is not a normal part of aging, but rather the result of a medical condition that affects cognition. Cognition refers to all the mental processes involved in obtaining and using information, such as thinking, learning, and remembering. In dementia, the ability to think and remember worsens over time, and eventually, communication abilities can be affected. Dementia includes a group of diseases that cause a decline in mental abilities. The most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. There are also rarer types of dementia caused by infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, and brain tumors.

Early detection is key.

Early detection is key, as it allows clinicians to recommend lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of progression, such as changes in diet and exercise. Early intervention can also help patients manage symptoms. If dementia is detected early, you can get help with daily tasks, such as paying bills, shopping, and managing medications. Such support can make it easier to continue living independently, which often leads to better mental and physical health. Early detection may also allow you to take advantage of experimental treatments that are being developed for Alzheimer’s disease. These treatments might help to slow or halt the progression of the disease and improve quality of life. Early detection may also allow you to qualify for Medicare benefits.

Knowing your risk can help prevent progression of the disease.

Knowing your risk can help to prevent progression of the disease. If you carry a gene mutation that increases your risk of developing certain forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, you can take steps to reduce the impact of the disease. For example, you can adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and managing stress. You may also want to consider genetic testing to learn whether you carry a gene mutation that increases your risk of developing a particular disease. Genetic testing can be used to assess risk for all types of dementia. You can also have your blood tested to assess your risk for vascular dementia.

A diagnosis can lead to early interventions that may slow the progression of the disease, and even halt it.

A diagnosis can lead to early interventions that may slow the progression of the disease, and even halt it. You can benefit from early interventions such as lifestyle changes, medications, and therapies. Such interventions may slow the progression of the disease and improve your quality of life. You may also be eligible for Medicare benefits when you receive a diagnosis of dementia.


Dementia is a devastating disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. Early detection is key, and knowing your risk can help prevent progression of the disease. A diagnosis can lead to early interventions that may slow the progression of the disease, and even halt it. With these benefits in mind, it is important to be tested for dementia.

Call now and ask about Acti-Kare's Memory & Dementia Program

Memory loss and dementia can be a debilitating condition. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability that interferes with daily life. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 60 to 80 percent of cases. Memory loss can also be caused by other conditions such as stroke, brain tumor, or infection.

It can be hard to know what to do when a loved one is suffering from cognitive impairment. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are two common causes of cognitive impairment, and they can both be very difficult to deal with. Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of these diseases, and it can often be difficult for family members to cope with.

Acti-Kare’s Acti-Vate program can help keep your loved one active and engaged, with the goal of improving their quality of life.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to deal with memory loss and dementia. However, many people find help and support through programs like Acti-Kare's Acti-Vate Memory Care Program. This program offers personalized care plans designed to meet the needs of each individual client. Services include assistance with activities of daily living, social and recreational activities, cognitive stimulation, and medication management. This program provides a variety of activities that are tailored to each individual, with the goal of improving their quality of life.

Some of the activities offered through the Acti-Vate program include: socialization, gardening, arts and crafts, music therapy, and pet therapy. These activities can help stimulate the mind and keep your loved one active and engaged. In addition, participating in these activities can provide a sense of purpose and reduce feelings of isolation.